1. Understand how the characteristics of corporate culture affect the achievement of organisational objectives | ||||||||||||
1.1 discuss the purpose of corporate communication strategies | ||||||||||||
1.2 assess how corporate communications link to corporate objectives | ||||||||||||
1.3 analyse the relationship between corporate communication and corporate branding | ||||||||||||
2. Be able to propose organisational values that will influence corporate climate | ||||||||||||
2.1 plan an internal corporate communications audit | ||||||||||||
2.2 conduct an internal corporate communications audit | ||||||||||||
2.3 critically evaluate the effectiveness of current levels of practice | ||||||||||||
3. Be able to develop strategies to communicate with stakeholders of an organisation who belong to different cultural groups | ||||||||||||
3.1 plan an external corporate communications audit | ||||||||||||
3.2 conduct an external corporate communications audit | ||||||||||||
3.3 critically evaluate the effectiveness of current levels of practice | ||||||||||||
Notes on exactly what must be done to succeed in the assessment are written below, then followed by a reminder of the content of the module, organised according to the assessment criteria above.
Assessment Criteria NotesA key feature of assessment for this unit is the practical application of the theoretical content to an organisational situation at a strategic level. For all assessment criteria, wherever possible, it is recommended that learners use examples from their own experience or from real-life organisations. For 1.1, learners need to explain two organisational models which would help achieve the organisational goals in the context of the scenario. For 1.2, learners need to explain the difference between national and organisational culture in the context of the scenario as well as two theories of national culture and two of organisational culture. In each case, the explanation needs to relate to the context. For 1.3, the analysis of the corporate cultural profile needs to contain a minimum of five key features and to be contextualised. For 1.4, learners need to show an understanding in their discussion that culture should consistently reinforce what the organisation is about, shown through the organisational objectives. For 2.1 and 2.2, learners need to evaluate the existing corporate climate of an organisation. The evaluation needs to be in the context of what the organisation wants to achieve in terms of its culture. Learners need to demonstrate that they understand that a climate that is right for one organisation may not be right for another, or that a climate may be appropriate for the present but not the future. Therefore, in recommending improvements, learners need to show that the improvement might be a future need rather than the fact that the climate is ‘wrong’ now. For 2.3, learners need to have a clear rationale in their proposal for a framework for the values that are linked to organisational objectives. Learners need to show in the proposal a clear distinction in how different values may support operational and strategic needs. 3.1 is really a precursor to developing a communication strategy that differentiates its message depending on the stakeholder (3.3). Here, learners need to identify stakeholders of an organisation before tailoring their communication strategy to suit the needs and expectations of stakeholders in 3.3. For 3.2, the evaluation of the effectiveness of an existing organisational communication strategy needs to begin with a description recognising strengths and weaknesses. Learners need to show understanding that some of the current strategy may be fine in the current context of the organisation, but may need to change for a new context. For 3.3, learners need to develop new communication strategies tailored to different groups of stakeholders, with a clear differentiation between the treatment of internal and external stakeholders. Unit Content – linked to Assessment Criteria 1. Understand how the characteristics of corporate culture affect the achievement of organisational objectivesCulture: culture as shared values, practices and customs; definitions of organisational culture; culture at ascending levels; sub-cultures; professional cultures Models of organisational culture: Charles Handy – power, role, person and task cultures; Johnson and Scholes cultural web; organisational change programmes – activities, effectiveness, successful and unsuccessful cases, links to organisational objectives Organisational culture: industry culture; national and supranational culture; models of culture eg Trompenaars’s implicit-explicit factors, Schein’s three levels National cultures: methods of classifying national culture eg the work of Laurent, Hofstede and Trompenaars Impact on achievement of organisational objectives: areas of differences and potential misunderstandings – communications; management, negotiation; buyer behaviour; misinterpreting conflicting cultural signals eg work of Trompanaars and Hampden-Turner 1998; cultural shock, importance of developing cohesive culture in merged organisations 2. Be able to propose organisational values that will influence corporate climateClimate profile: how climate is defined; difference between climate and culture; key aspects of organisational climate eg flexibility; responsibility; standards; rewards; clarity; team commitment; impact of management practices on climate; impact of climate on efficiency and effectiveness Methods of improving climate: recognising that ‘improve’ may mean change because a particular climate is no longer appropriate; understanding the climate that is required; understanding management styles; effective communications and rationale; continual review Values: values or core values as a part of organisational culture; crisis of ethics in business and the new emphasis on value leadership – framework for developing and supporting strong corporate core values 3. Be able to develop strategies to communicate with stakeholders of an organisation who belong to different cultural groupsStakeholders: customers, consumers, employees; shareholders; governments; communities, business partnerships and alliances – the increasing need to cooperate with people from different cultural groupings (including beliefs, values, customs and language) Communicating effectively: strategies; identifying potential barriers and ensuring strategies overcome them; developing self-awareness of own and organisational culture; benefits of a diverse workforce; acculturation programmes; intercultural communication skills
This Assignment is based upon the Pearson Edexcel Strategic Management and Leadership from August 2010 Programme Specification found at http://www.lcbuk.org/pdf/Edexcel_level7_SML.pdf |